30 lat doświadczenia
in the technology industry

30 lat doświadczenia
in the technology industry

The KIPI brand was established in 2013. However, our experience dates back to 1994, when BTI Jan Gumkowski started its activity, specializing in searching for solutions for industry, designing and constructing technological lines as well as unusual machines and devices.

network of distributors and installers

network of distributors and installers

The efficiency and reliability of our devices are appreciated not only by customers from Poland, but also from many other European countries. We work with a network of distributors, which covers 20 countries.

Many awards
and patented innovations

Many awards
and patented innovations

From the beginning of our activity, we have introduced many innovative solutions to the market. Among them, the rotary pellet burner deserves special attention, thanks to which we have become laureates of the 7th edition of the GreenEvo ecological innovation program.


Are you interested in collaborating?

We are looking for business partners — installers who want to collaborate with us and offer our heating devices within their network of contacts. We provide devices of the highest durability and constant expert support from our team.

Are you interested in collaborating?

We are looking for business partners — installers who want to collaborate with us and offer our heating devices within their network of contacts. We provide devices of the highest durability and constant expert support from our team.
W tym roku również gramy z WOŚP, której celem 33. Finału WOŚP w 2025 roku jest wsparcie onkologii i hematologii dziecięcej, a my ponownie jesteśmy częścią tej wielkiej inicjatywy. Wspieramy i działamy na rzecz
Targi, które odbywały się we Frankfurcie były pierwszym takim wydarzeniem w 2023 roku, w którym braliśmy udział. Znane i popularne w branży targi to jedne z największych w naszej części Europy. ISH 2023 były
  Miniony rok 2022, był rokiem bardzo owocnym jeżeli chodzi o ilość przeprowadzonych przez nasz szkoleń oraz liczbę uczestników, którzy wzięli w nich udział. Szeroki zakres ofertowy determinuje rozbudowane cykle szkoleniowe. Bazując na współpracy

Request a consultation
with an expert

If you want to find out which device will work best in your establishment, home, or if you want to get a quote — order a consultation with an expert.

This is approximately a 15-minute phone conversation with a person who specializes in the selection of heating devices based on power and individual requirements.
Based on what you tell us, we will suggest the most efficient device for you.

Request a consultation
with an expert

If you want to find out which device will work best in your establishment, home, or if you want to get a quote — order a consultation with an expert.

This is approximately a 15-minute phone conversation with a person who specializes in the selection of heating devices based on power and individual requirements.
Based on what you tell us, we will suggest the most efficient device for you.