Report "Wood pellets in Poland"

In our country, a debate has been going on for a long time about the poor quality of the air we breathe. A consistent anti-smog policy, taking into account the important role of wood pellets in individual heating, can significantly change it! Therefore, we decided to take part in the creation of the first in Poland study on wood pellets. The report "Wood pellets in Poland" focuses on the current situation of the pellet market in our country and the prospects for its development in the coming years. The main goal of this study is to popularize this ecological, renewable fuel, which should occupy a significant place in the national energy mix.

The entire report is available at, below its excerpt with a comment by Marcin Menzel, KIPI brand director.

“Clean air for Poland is a priority for all of us, regardless of where we live. It is our health, that of our families, and most of all of our children and future generations. As a manufacturer of heating devices closely related to biomass, we have been conducting an extensive campaign for air for several years. Recent years have also been characterized by constant education and hard work with both domestic and foreign manufacturers of heating devices in order to adapt the devices to the current and future requirements. By participating in trade fairs, presentations, conferences and trainings for installers or chimney sweeps, we constantly conduct educational campaigns on the use of biomass as a renewable energy source, which is practically zero emission and is the main source of heating recommended by the EU.

     We are well aware that the cause of air pollution is the accumulation of many factors, including traffic pollution, lack of wind in cities and low emissions. We can see that in recent years there has been a significant improvement in air quality, and an increasing part of society has started to choose pellet boilers. The project for which we are a Strategic Partner is the proverbial icing on the cake, which fully describes the clean fuel which is biomass and pellets. Such studies are a good practice that the industry has lacked so far, it is a summary of our activities and the direction in which we should go ”.

Zobacz również

W tym roku również gramy z WOŚP, której celem 33. Finału WOŚP w 2025 roku jest wsparcie onkologii i hematologii dziecięcej, a my ponownie jesteśmy częścią tej wielkiej inicjatywy. Wspieramy i działamy na rzecz
W tym roku również gramy z WOŚP, której tegorocznym celem jest wsparcie okulistyki dziecięcej. Z tej okazji po raz kolejny wyprodukowaliśmy specjalny palnik na pellet, który oczywiście „będzie działać do końca świata i jeden
    Sprzedaż naszych urządzeń na rynku zagranicznym stale rosie.  Warte zwrócić uwagę, że do dotychczas cieszących się renomą palników na pellet, dołączają nowe produkty. Mowa w szczególności o zyskujących coraz większą popularność nagrzewnicach

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To ok. 15-minutowa rozmowa telefoniczna z osobą, która na co dzień zajmuje się doborem urządzeń grzewczych pod kątem mocy i indywidualnych wymagań. Na podstawie tego, co nam powiesz podpowiemy Ci, które urządzenie będzie najbardziej efektywne.